Monday, July 26, 2010

Emo Kidddd

This will sound like a bunch of emo complaining bit you hear about in all blogs but there are a lot of things I am involved with that I don't agree with that I want to complain about!
A. Facebook. Facebook is where everyone tries to convince the world that they are cool. Well you're not if you want facebook to think so. I get to see all of the insecurities because I'm on facebook. Why? Cause the wife is heading off to Spain. (Not really a lesbian, not really my wife). And facebook is the easiest way to keep in touch while someone is out of the country. Besides email. But even email doesn't make is as convenient to look at sweet pics as it is on facebook. Facebook, you force yourself into my life, but facebook, I hate you.
B. Cello man. I decide to take cello lessons this summer to bring myself up to par. I struggle at first but then I practiced like a champ. Cello man calls and no lesson this week. Or next week. Or the next. A whole month goes by and no cello lessons. But I was so ready to bedazzle you with my cello abilities! And then I lost the gumption to keep practicing the same material for a month.
Next lesson, He thinks I'm an idiot. Next lesson I get busy. Next lesson I have the flu, and decide to not waste the 70 bucks for two more lessons this summer.
C. Speeding tickets.
You're Honor. There is no excuse for my actions. I sped because I never thought I would get caught. I sped again because I never thought I would get caught again! Here is when I decide to be the most careful. And I get pulled over again because I was not carefully enough. And here we are . . . Five tickets on my record and a possibility for a revocation of my license. Your Honor, all I can do is offer my apologies.

This week: Court. Logan. Wedding. Guys, stop getting married.

Nuff said.
I need a hair cut.

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