Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Don't Make Me Post . . . Punny

Friends! (Sam) Sorry I have not posted in a while! Still new at this so bare with me guys (Sam). School is out. And I'm working at Aspen Clinical Resaerh, which sounded super more awesomer than it really is. I get so bored sometimes that I look forward to the dates that are fun to type on a ten key. Woot. Today, 5 26 2010, not fun. Yesterday, 5 25 2010, way fun.
Here's a doosey for today. I re-activated my facebook account this morning and almost had a heart attack. Why? Freak I don't know, I literally have a physiological reaction to facebook now. Its poison. Or I'm a crazy person. And I immediatley deactivated. So guys (Sam) I'll try to recover and get back on eventually cause EVERY one went back on, wossy pantses. But no promises. It could kill me.
This was such a great post! Thank you for reading, my friends (Sam). Isn't this such a great post? Don't make me post. Well I have no choice, you're making me post!

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Finals week. When nights and weekends are spent in the silent study areas of the Merrel Crazer Library. When all you can do to be sane is a handstand contest in front of the elevators. We are being tested for our recently learned intelligence an is seems that we are being tested as well for patience, diligence, sanity, endurance, and creativity. But in all I really like it. I like college, the rewards are limitless! The times when i realize how great it is where I am makes up for the times when I want my head to not be on my body.

And sometimes I feel I could justify murdering someone because of the weather in Logan being so cold in May, just saying. He He:)

. . . . after re-reading this post I realize that it sounds a bit insane. But right now I am a bit insane. Its finals week! AHAHHAHAHA