Thursday, November 11, 2010

You Know What Happens to the Ones With a Mouth

I'm taking a Bible class here at Utah Statesie. I thought it would be awesome and interesting but Its really not. I am pretty sure my professor thinks he is a prophet. He gives announcements like he's giving the Sermon On The Mount. Its funny. Its creepy.
Um . . .
I was in the liberry last night. Business was GOOD. Then it dulled down as it got later.
Um .....
Ate Top Romin at Sam's last night. I thought it would cause a frenzy that I would not be able to control and I would then gain a million pounds but Top Romin isn't that good. Makel, Sam, Cam and I watched some episodes of the first season of Modern Family. Such a great show, watch it everyone.
Uh . . .
Makel gets very hyper. VERY hyper. Its so funny and great. She's great. I slept at her house last night. Took the bus this mornin cause I didn't have UH with me.
Well . . .
Sometimes I want to dress boys. Not necessarily because they dress bad but I feel like I can make them look good good. Makel ran into an old friend who probably wouldn't be as dashing if he weren't wearing $300 jeans. Haha, you may think I'm shallow but I find $300 at DI for ten bucks. But I'm a little shallow, lets be for realsie real.
There is really no point to this other than that I am incredibly bored and distracted right now. But all in all blogging is relatively pointless as well.
Bye Lovelies
P.S. Just thought you should know that I have TWO test two days before Thanksgiving Break. I was going to take the whole week off but I guess not! Got me again professors.

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